Solutions for every area of your business, from preneed to at-need, to marketing, and beyond.
With Funeral Directors Life’s preneed programs, at-need solutions, and marketing services, you can start saving time, growing your business and increasing profitability in a rapidly changing marketplace.
Offering a full-service approach
Funeral Directors Life has successfully helped funeral homes from across the nation grow their preneed programs on average 68%, with some seeing increases of up to 300%! The secret is our full-service approach.
Make it easy to do business with you
The families we serve are changing. Their needs are evolving. It is up to us to adapt to the needs and preferences of the changing funeral consumer, and we are here to help.
Connect with more families every day
Funeral Directors Life maintains a full-service marketing team that can help you develop (or clarify) your message, create a marketing plan, and launch it across a variety of media channels, from video to social media, to direct mail, and more.
Business solutions built for you
Want to build a better, more efficient business? Our Directors Business Solutions division can help you grow, remodel, or expand your business with funeral home lending or assist with accounting services, payroll, business valuations, and more.